India’s No.1 Corporate Social Responsibility Magazine since 2013 | RNI No. DELENG/2013/49640




Goa being a small state and having limited industries alignment across all levels of an organization and finding a suitable company to fund a particular type of project can be challenging. Over the years, numerous companies based in Goa and outside Goa have been consistently working shoulder to shoulder along with various Departments in Goa Administration and in collaboration with local NGOs and various clubs.

As the Principal Advisor, what are your key responsibilities within the Goa CSR Authority?

My responsibility includes creating need & opportunities for state of goa in socio economic development with the private partnership through CSR from different entities like Government, PSUs & others. The area of focus like Education, Skill Development, Health & Environment are key for be partnered by CSR contributors & hence periodically different conclaves are been arranged, through internal discussion with the administrative machinery identify the needs and connecting to contributors mapping their protocols & companies Act norms.

Conduct through authorised team the impact analysis & maintaining the documentation from initiation till the impact.

What is the difference between an organization doing CSR and a State doing CSR?

The organisation doing CSR may have specific goals where hence authority within government established specially in CSR movement as state as a whole for obtaining CSR funding, Execution & Impact Analysis.

How does the Goa CSR Authority align its objectives with the state’s development goals?

CSR Authority Goa through its process driven system hold periodical discussion with the heads of the departments under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Chief Minister and obtain need based projects across the disciplines & initiative the process for fund raising & connecting to CSR prospects.

Can you highlight some of the most successful CSR projects that have been implemented under your guidance in Goa?

  • First large CSR conclave was held followed by periodical conclaves & CSR partners were able to understand the Vision & systematic way the CSR Authority is working on.
  • Through the support in different domains we have established STEM Lab, Language Lab, Adoption of the Villages, Entrepreneurship Development specially for women were taken up, a unique technically supported CSR office & training institute was established.
  • CSR process document, Training sessions were initiated.
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) are signed with central institutions which is a unique initiative specially with ISRO, IISc, EDII, NIMHANS & other institutions.

How do you engage with smaller businesses or those new to CSR to encourage their participation?

Identifying which are very close to reaching the target audience of the society & highlighting how it is relevant to socio economic development apartment & including fulfilling the statutory obligations of the companies act.

What personal experiences or insights have influenced your approach to CSR?

Inclusive leadership, reaching the decision makers from both the side, originating the concepts & articulating the business proposals & establishment of systems & processes.

What advice would you give to young professionals aspiring to work in the field of CSR?

Evry youth has to think of surrounding society where is qualification & experience matters for the growth of a common livelihood & education.


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