News Update/ Press Release
Good Samaritans India commits to help the needy in the unprecedented times
Telangana, 09 July, 2021- While many of us have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, especially during the second wave, the lockdown and night curfews have been particularly hard on the homeless population, whose already strained access to food, water, and healthcare has become even worse.
This is where AI George Rakesh Babu stepped in to help those in need. But his humanitarian journey started a few years ago.
They have rescued around 4000 destitute to date from the roads. The trust also initiates to take care of migrants in government hospitals and tries to reunite them with their families. They successfully managed to reunite more than 2000 migrants with their families and performed the last rites with dignity of around 1500 destitute. They have three destitute homes, one in Hyderabad, the other two in Jangaon and Warangal, Telangana. Apart from this the trust also engages in various social awareness activities and is planning to expand its services to many parts of India.
Providing Ration-Kits to More than 2000 Families, free ambulance services for the needy patients, arranging for the cost-free funeral of those who succumbed during this pandemic, delivering meals at railway stations and other places to the needy, and lending a helping hand to migrants and the homeless destitute people, providing oxygen concentrators to the needy patient post-discharge, this NGO works every day to help those deprived of necessities in these tiring times.
“In the fight against COVID-19, Good Samaritans India has been making a difference by reaching out to more and more people across Hyderabad with nearly 3000 ration kits feeding 200 people daily and distributing 3000 face masks including N-95 masks and others till now,” said Mr. A.I. George Rakesh Babu, Founder, Good Samaritans India. He also adds a fundraising initiative, “Join the fight against India’s second wave. Help them survive”