India’s No.1 Corporate Social Responsibility Magazine since 2013 | RNI No. DELENG/2013/49640



Skillful Development of individuals to make them future ready


At a very tender age of 19, with a vision of uplifting the community by providing free training programs and scholarships, Raj Square Charity Foundation (RSCF) was founded by Dr Mithileysh Sathiyanarayanan who was just a student back then. After graduating from the University of London, Dr. Mithileysh started providing support to several underprivileged students in India. The Raj Scholarships and Raj Learn4Free Programs were informally introduced in Jan 2010. However, the scholarships have now extended the support on a larger scale, which is well supported by the President of RSCF, Ms. Bhuvaneshwari Loganathan, who is also actively involved into Women Empowerment.

As technological advancements have constantly kept evolving, thereby finding new applications in the field of engineering, this has held the RSCF motivated in promoting underprivileged young students, engineers, educators and researchers for better career development and empower them for career advancement. The program builds a professional network of engineers, scientists and technologists offering inspiration, support and professional development. At grass-root level, the Foundation provides latest technology-related training to the rural men and women and provide complete career guidance and planning.

In 2020, for creating awareness on youth empowerment and talent enablement, RSCF established a program called “Research, Applications, Innovation, Science & Technology and Entrepreneurship (RAISE)”. Raj Square Charity Foundation is providing comprehensive, affordable and quality educational services to the neediest and to make India a better nation with 100% literacy rate for all citizens. Some of the services provided are, free Training & Learning, Internship Opportunities, Product Development Process, filing several intellectual patents for students, paying registration fees for conferences & publications. Also, providing several scholarships to students to pursue any specific programs/courses of their interest.

RSCF has already started working on their Vision 2025. Their goal is to focus on “Talent Enablement” and the vision to see a complete educational transformation in India. The objectives they are focusing are:

  1. Personalized & Bespoke classrooms: Towards more personalized learning in multicultural environments, a stronger integration and usage of external learning opportunities.
  2. Socio-Emotional Education System: to emphasize that formal education and training must become reintegrated into society by better aligning learning objectives with societal reality and labor market requirements.
  3. Tech-enabled Learning: Tailor-made learning experiences fostering quality and equity using the latest & innovative technologies.
  4. Future careers: Increased professional flexibility, flatter hierarchies and open knowledge exchange between leaders, experts and students
  5. Training strategies: Recognition of informally acquired skills through the use of Make in India, Digital India & Startup India initiatives.

As a part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), for a long-term perspective, Raj Square Charity Foundation is introducing innovative products/services like Digital Campus Radio and Digital Jobs TV such that unemployment and unequal opportunities can be eradicated with the help of youth empowerment. The team is working hard towards providing talent enablement, creating intellectual platforms and career planning support.


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