India’s No.1 Corporate Social Responsibility Magazine since 2013 | RNI No. DELENG/2013/49640



Brigade Hospitality & Dr. Sandhya Foundation jointly Support Underprivileged Girls

19 December, 2023: In a joint initiative between Brigade Hospitality Services Limited (BHSL), Dr. Sandhya Foundation and CANS Multi-Specialty Hospital a comprehensive health checkup for underprivileged girls was conducted. Auxilium Navajeevana, a non-governmental, non-profitable voluntary organization that is dedicated to the welfare of children who are in need of care and protection was the venue of the event. Preventive healthcare measures were emphasized by conducting specialized ultrasound scanning services and an eye camp.

Thorough examinations for children who required early intervention were carried out by CANS Multi-Specialty Hospital. Post the health checkup, each girl child was given a kit that contained essential items, related to health and hygiene. This was in line with the commitment of Brigade Hospitality to support underprivileged girls.

 Assistant Vice President at Brigade Hospitality – Gurmeet Singh, mentioned that they were proud to partner with CANS Multi-Specialty Hospital and Dr. Sandhya Foundation for this initiative. He stated that the primary focus of the initiative was to provide comprehensive screenings for the early detection and management of health concerns among the underprivileged girls. In addition to this, the children are also imparted the necessary education about the importance of the maintenance of good health and wellbeing. They were also planning to conduct a follow up intervention to assess the progress of the health of the girls and also provide any necessary support additionally if needed.

This health check up marks an important step in the corporate social responsibility of Brigade Hospitality, and the contribution it is making to the communities that it is serving.


#BrigadeHospitality #CANSMultispecialtyHospital #InitiativeforUnderprivilegedgirls  #Healthandhygiene#educationongoodhealthandhygiene  #preventivehealthcaremeasures  #specializedultrasoundscanningservices  #eyecamp  #comprehensivehealthcheckup #corporatesocialresponsibility  #healthcheckupforunderprivilegedgirls




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