India’s No.1 Corporate Social Responsibility Magazine since 2013 | RNI No. DELENG/2013/49640



The Interact Clubs in School Reinforce the Tenets of Sustainability

Interact stands for International Action. It is a kind of junior Rotary Club for young people between the ages of 12 and 18. All Interact Clubs are part of the Rotary International organization, and a Rotary Club sponsors every club. Most Interact Clubs are based in schools, but in some parts of the world, they are in villages and towns as part of the community.

Rotary club sponsors mentor and guide interaction club members as they carry out projects and develop leadership skills. Interact clubs organize at least two service projects a year: one that benefits their community and encourages international understanding.

In addition to these, various novel and original ideas that are socially desirable are formulated, refined and implemented for the betterment of society. With over 15,000 Interact clubs in 145 countries, Rotary inspires the next generation of socially responsible and globally conscious leaders, reiterating its mottoes “Service Above Self” and “One Profits Most Who Serves Best”.

According to UNESCO, sustainable development meets current needs without compromising the future. It includes concerns such as Poverty, Gender equality, Human rights, Education for all, Health, Human Security and Intercultural dialogue. Here comes the key role of Interact clubs in addressing the aforementioned issues and others by forming effective and reality-oriented techniques and strategies through meaningful discussions and deliberations while considering criticisms that are raised and potential limitations that may be confronted.

Some core values of Interact Club are that it is responsive and empowering. Keeping these in mind, Interact clubs work towards finding sustainable solutions to problems such as poverty, lack of education, illiteracy, and other issues.

The distribution of Interact clubs throughout the countries, states and localities helps cover wider areas while also representing and taking up issues with which one is familiar. The Interact clubs belonging to a district work in conjunction with each other to combat the local issues at the local level through teamwork and collaboration.

The Interact Clubs in schools perform essential functions such as taking action to make a difference in schools and communities, discovering new cultures, and promoting mutual understanding. At my school, Bal Bharati Public School, GRH Marg, New Delhi the Interact Club works to develop a concern for society and the world amongst students. Taking part in Interact Clubs’ initiatives helps a student become a passionate person, a responsible and aware human being, and a leader who understands and communicates the importance of sustainability.

The nature and importance of interactive clubs, especially at the school level, are the foundation for sustainability.


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