India, Bengaluru, September 26, 2023 – CBM India is a non-profit organization that aims to provide essential services to persons with
disabilities, in the areas of healthcare, education and rehabilitation.
The organization has recently introduced mobile eye clinics with a view to improving eye health in India. With this initiative the gap that exits in the eye care treatment and screenings especially in remote areas will be bridged.The mobile eye clinics have been introduced in Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Sikkim and in the rural pockets of Delhi.
These clinics are well equipped to provide critical and important services like cataract screenings, refraction assessment, glaucoma treatment and diabetic retinopathy screenings. These mobile eye clinics are creating awareness at the community level and also making it easier for women and older people with disabilities to get the much-needed medical services in their areas.
Last year CBM India reached 1,18,045 individuals through their mobile eye clinics, of which 53% were women and more than 6% were persons with disabilities. This was a step towards providing equitable healthcare for all.
Managing Trustee of CBM India, Dr Sara Varughese, said that the mobile eye clinics were a critical step towards ensuring that quality healthcare could be accessed by all. This empowers individuals specifically women and persons with disabilities. They can take control and care of their eye health.
CBM India has played an important role as a cornerstone of VISION 2020, in uniting people to address the hurdles linked with visual impairment. They have played a crucial role in advancing the broader mission of VISION 2020. The 17th National Conference marks the work of CBM India in the field of eradicating avoidable blindness and furthering eye care, which has resulted in a marked and significant improvement in the lives of many individuals worldwide.
#eyecare #Mobileeyeclinics #DrSarVarughese #CBMIndia