3 lakh migrant labourers to receive support from ‘CBRE Cares- Ek Pehal’ project
CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd, a real estate consulting firm recently announced the Pan-India launch of its CSR initiative CBRE Cares – “Ek Pehel” ekpahel.com. This includes migrant labourers and their families. This is jointly organized with Bal Raksha Bharat, A child rights organization. Launched across Bangalore, Delhi – NCR and Pune, the vision of CBRE are to support 3 lakh labourers. This includes providing them access to formal education, quality health services, and improved nutritional standards. Bal Raksha Bharat (globally known as Save the Children,) is the implementing partner and government support in the coming years is on the anvil.
CBRE has allocated a corpus of INR 5 crore for this year’s CSR initiatives, which by the end of the year will be scaled to INR 15 crore. The “Ek Pehal “initiative seeks to improve the early childhood education, health and nutrition for the migrant labourers and their families. The prime focus includes strengthening WASH (Water, sanitation and hygiene) infrastructure across select cities, and establishing digital libraries and smart classrooms. The learning gaps in the children’s education would be addressed and remedial measures taken to bring about continuity in learning.
To ensure effectiveness, regular engagements with the health department that includes routine health check-up camps would be carried out. The health camps would look after the well-being of those residing in the urban slums. Those visiting the health camps will be encouraged to avail various health schemes of the government namely Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana, Ayushman Bharat, ABHA card and so on. Women would be sensitized on Menstrual Hygiene, maternal, newborn, child care, and adolescent health or MNCAH would also be focused on. The increase in capacity of school children and teachers brought about by this initiative, would support the Ayushman Bharat – School Health and Wellness Program (AB – SHWP.)
The education initiative through Multi-Activity Centres (MAC ) would be the hub for accelerated learning and will be set up for out-of-school children in the age group of 6 – 14. This would comprise children who have never enrolled or have dropped out have been engaged in child labour, or living in deprived conditions as street children.
Anshuman Magazine, Chairman & CEO – India, South-East Asia, Middle East & Africa, CBRE, mentioned that “ ‘Ek Pehal’’ was targeted at creating a positive change in the lives of millions of migrant workers and their families.”
Sudarshan Suchi, CEO, Save the Children, said, while commenting on this partnership that Bal Raksha Bharat would lend its support in prioritizing urban malnutrition in women and children across the intervention locations and would also address learning gaps through Catch Up Clubs (CUCs.)