June 15th 2006 saw the inception of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD.) It was launched by The International Network for the prevention of Elder Abuse and the World Health Organization at the United Nations. The objective was to raise an awareness of the social, cultural, economic and demographic factors that affected elder abuse and neglect. Communities around the world were given an opportunity through WEAAD, t o e n h a n ce t h e i r understanding of the abuse and neglect of older people. It also served as a call -to –action, for communities, organizations and individuals by raising awareness on the exploitation and abuse of senior citizens.
A media release of the United Nations Human Rights, office of the High Commissioner, on 14th June 2023, ahead of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, on June 15th 2023, mentioned that there was a lack of reliable information and data regarding gender based violence in old age. Human Rights Experts, expressed that this was a major obstacle in addressing this gross violation of human rights. In India although 82% of the elderly live with their families, at least 1 in 3 adults face violence, neglect and abuse. There is no denying that senior citizens around the world are highly vulnerable and therefore, need well defined, inclusive CSR initiatives.