A series of educational workshops were held in schools across various cities of Madhya Pradesh to increase awareness and improve menstrual hygiene. A well-known brand in menstrual hygiene- Stayfree® in partnership with Menstrupedia a fast-growing startup had organised these informative series of workshops.
The Menstrupedia educators engaged with adolescent girls between the ages of 9-15 years, on various aspects of puberty and menstruation in fun and interactive workshops. Menstrupedia comic books were distributed during these sessions, which were followed by in-depth discussions on physical, mental and hormonal changes that are associated with puberty. The focus of the conversations were menstruation and menstrual hygiene, role of nutrition, tracking the menstrual cycle, and the myths surrounding a girl’s periods were addressed to boost self confidence and inculcate body positivity.
These workshops focus on bridging knowledge gaps, addressing social taboos and normalizing period conversations in an open environment with a view to encouraging questions and discussions.
Stayfree®collaborated in 2020, with Menstrupedia to educate young girls about periods and dispel the shame and fear associated with it. Animated videos, comic books, interactive workshops on menstruation were employed to create an empowered and informed generation of youth.
This partnership has resulted in over 6 lakh comic books being distributed to girls all over India and 12000 workshops being conducted in over 25,500 schools.
Vice President, Marketing and Essential Health Business Unit Head, Kenvue- Manoj Gadgil said that their partnership (Stayfree® is a brand of Kenvue) with Menstrupedia aligned with their larger mission of creating a world where girls don’t feel fear, shame or discomfort about menstruation. The conversations about periods are normalized. The right knowledge is imparted to young girls to educate them about periods. Easy to understand content and resources are provided to the young girls. The workshops he added will help the young girls navigate their journey with periods with confidence. Co-Founder, Menstrupedia- Aditi Gupta, said that they were focusing on and working towards a future where menstruation was normalized and girls and their parents have a mindset where periods are a normal occurrence.
Through this partnership over 85 period awareness workshops have been successfully organized across various regions of Madhya Pradesh.
#Menstruation #Stayfree #Menstrupedia #dispellingtaboosofmenstruation #periodsarenormal #menstrualhygieneworkshops #adolescentgirls #empoweringgirls #educatinggirlsthroughworkshops#Kenvue