India’s No.1 Corporate Social Responsibility Magazine since 2013 | RNI No. DELENG/2013/49640



Tata Chemicals initiates a tree plantation drive  to preserve the environment -70,000+ trees in 1 hour

 18th July, 2023:A tree plantation drive “ My Greening Hour ’’ in which over 70,000 trees were planted in 100 locations across India within an hour was undertaken by Tata Chemicals Society for Rural Development ( TCSRD.)

The main focus of this nationwide initiative was to create an awareness about how important trees were for our survival, how they served the local communities inclusively and over a period increased the carbon absorption capacity.

This initiative received support from Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujrat and Telangana. This activity was organised on July 12, 2023 between 4-5 pm. The event saw a turnout of more than 10,000 people from Tata Chemicals Limited and Rallis India. The local authorities and communities too, actively participated in this event. The participants worked towards the common goal of making the planet greener.


 Chief Manufacturing Officer and Location Head, Tata Chemicals Limited Mithapur, N. Kamath while commenting on this initiative said that their focus on sustainability and serving the local communities was absolute. The “ Greening Hour “ was an innovative effort towards sustainable development. To maintain an ecological balance, trees were pivotal. This initiative he further added, addressed two essential goals. The first one was to restore the environment and the second to raise an awareness of environmental preservation in the local communities. The unprecedented success of this initiative was largely due to the the  support it received from the stakeholders. In Okhamandal Gujrat, over 40,000 trees were planted contributing to the remarkable feet of a total of 70,000 trees in an hour. He indicated that more such plans were on the anvil.

Chief-Health, Safety, Environment & CSR, Tata Chemicals Limited, , Alok Chandra,  mentioned that trees were essential in mitigating climate change, improving air quality, enhancing bio diversity, and also providing economic and social benefits. Prompt action towards nature conservation, and expanding the green cover was needed. With this in mind the target of 70,000 trees was planned and every one involved in this initiative worked  towards a common goal. Their vision was to create a greener and healthier  future for the communities and the planet.


.#MyGreeningHour#TataChemicalsLimited#Treeplantation #presevingtheenvironment #biodiversity #natureconservation #NKamath #AlokChandra


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